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Getting the Right Insurance Direct Mail Leads

The insurance industry is large. It contributes an estimated £10 billion to the UK economy and employs around 350,000 people in the UK alone. Traditional methods of marketing and advertising include print, television, radio and more recently, online. While we all remember that one television advertisement where the couple excitedly learn of what the insurance company can offer, we know that the reality is no-one really gets that excited about insurance, and so there is room to try something new that engages. New advertisements have focused more on the brand and the experience, rather than simply stating facts. Insurers are trying to make their advertisements more memorable and interesting and this is a move in a good direction, one where the use of video brochures can further add to this transition.

There are a lot of insurers battling for customers and the reality is that these customers will undertake a lot of research before reaching a decision. It is imperative so, that your company stands out amongst the others.

Video brochures provide an entirely new way to interact with your customers and prospects. They offer the opportunity to connect and be more personal with prospects and customers, putting their minds more at ease and helping them to make their decision. It could be the difference between them selecting your company, or them selecting your competitor.

Using video brochures, there is the opportunity to:

  • Let people get to know you. Introduce yourselves as a company, or, as an individual.
  • Present testimonials from previous happy customers.
  • Explain to your prospects in an engaging and easily assimilated way about the insurance, what it covers and why they should have it.
  • Let people know about new developments and offers.

There are lots of applications of video brochures for insurance companies. The option to include an inside pocket to place a printed brochure with further information is one that would be particularly useful to provide necessary documents to accompany the video.

Video brochures will also get your prospects talking and taking notice. The extra mile is necessary nowadays in such a crowded marketplace and video brochures will allow you to stand out.

The targeted nature of video brochures will ensure that you are getting the right insurance direct mail leads meaning you will be spending important time on the people who are genuinely interested in your company and what you have to offer.


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