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Attention – Grabbing it, Keeping it, and Engaging

Advertising is an increasingly important component of video marketing. Practitioners like real-time behavioural tracking, and it’s multi-format, multi-screen, multi-channel capabilities.

But advertisers are facing one major problem these days; vying for user attention in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

The key is to better understand your audiences, what effects their attention and how best to target and capture that.

Video brochures have been a proven solution to this advertising problem. People are bombarded daily by marketing messages and so it is hard to know what will stick in terms of grabbing their attention. Video brochures undeniably bring impact and grab your audiences’ attention, hold it, and engage them with your content and message.

What is Attention?
Advertising starts and ends with attention. If users aren’t paying attention – that is allocating a part of their brains to what you’re trying to promote via your video – then they won’t even begin to be affected by your message. Everyone agrees the audience must at least be paying some attention for an ad to have any kind of impact.

Losing Interest
The problem is that as technology and society advances, audiences are changing their behaviour. In short, it’s becoming harder to get the attention of large numbers of consumers.

Why? Well, there are several explanations. For one, there are more ads these days vying for attention, on a greater variety of different consumption channels. Others claim consumers today have shorter attention spans, and, that many have lost faith in the messages being touted by advertisers.

These are all genuine concerns. Consumers’ attention spans have certainly lessened. The internet and smartphones have given rise to short form content and there is always something else to look at just a simple click away.

Video brochures, by their very nature, command attention as they are unique and impactful and bring something entirely new. The delivery of your video in a fully branded brochure means that the end user is receiving something that they cannot ignore and will engage them with your brand, content, and message.

Snaring the Multi-tasker
Video advertising has become more complex in part thanks to the fact that many consumers today are multi-taskers. They might watch TV whilst surfing on their tablet at home, or chat to friends on the move whilst viewing a video on their smartphones. It’s forced advertisers to dip even further into their pockets to fund multi-screen strategies across TV, mobile, social media and so on.

A Harvard Business Review research paper from 2014 takes a deep dive into the subject, claiming that “lowest attention is not necessarily bad news for advertisers as long as they target the most effective ad content to the appropriate audience.”

It suggests a new novel approach, dubbed the Attention-contingent Advertising Strategy (ACAS), where marketers must draw up ad strategies according to the quality of attention of their target market.

This challenge of targeting the multi-tasker and ensuring that they consume your message is a tricky one, though one that video brochures have met. As a physical object that contains engaging visuals and audio inside a branded package, it is something that a lot of people have not seen before and it asks the consumer to engage with the product on all levels, and focus their full attention on it.

The wow factor is a phrase quite commonly used when talking about video brochures as they capture and hold the end users attention allowing you, the advertiser, to communicate your message to an actively engaged end user.